30 years of Internet development in Poland has resulted in a new model of human behavior – as a consequence of opportunities and threats resulting from Internet access, an information society has been created.
Month: October 2021

What is technocracy?
Technocracy is a form of government run by experts. It ensures high competence of the rulers and an example of its benefits is the success of Singapore. However, it also has its drawbacks and is often considered the opposite of democracy. Our portal proposal points to democracy as the main element and technocracy as an auxiliary one.

Democracy in Switzerland
Swiss direct democracy arose because of the special historical circumstances of this federal state. The main forms of democracy include the people’s assembly, the people’s initiative, and the referendum, and the principle of subsidiarity gives considerable power to the individual cantons.

Inspiring democracies around the world
Contemporary forms of government are an important source of inspiration for us, especially Swiss (direct democracy), Estonian (e-democracy) and Singaporean (technocracy). Parag Khanna points to direct technocracy as the ideal form of government in the 21st century.